Fuel and Forex Crisis
Supplies of fuel remain elusive in Malawi, with long gas station lines filling streets for days as they wait for the next tanker to arrive. We praise God that we were ablet to fill up our cars earlier this month, and by limiting driving we haven’t run out yet. There is limited foreign currency or Forex in the country, which makes it hard to import anything. At the same time, it means that exchange rates for cash can be 60% better than expected. So we find this a time when we are staying home more and spending less. Please pray for Malawi as it struggles with infrastructure and development in this difficult economy.
Trying to Take Time Off
We took two nights away this month and felt refreshed. After that, Christina worked some 14 hour days and 60 hour weeks trying to meet deadlines. Then, she tried to take some days off and ended work an hour early than usual and averaged 40 hour work weeks for the whole month. Learning to rest is a skill in process. We won some overnights at some nice places in a raffle recently, so we are planning some time away during some weekends during the remainder of the year.
Teaching Local Pastors
Though he is not teaching in a classroom this semester, Greg is working through a curriculum that gives an overview of the story of scripture with a group of Nazarene pastors. The curriculum is available in both English and Chichewa, so it has the possibility of being a great resource for churches in teaching its members about basic beliefs of the church, and emphasizing others such as God loves ‘you’ and ‘you’ were made in God’s image.
Creative time with Patients
Christina is finding less patients booking during her usual clinic hours, so she is getting a chance to meet with patients outside of the clinic, at cafes, teatime, or walking. She is also able to spend more time with patients than usual when she has a busy clinic schedule. Some patients take time to email her every week or month with updates, and don’t have to come to the clinic at all. It’s likely that things will pick up soon, but for now, she is enjoying a different rhythm and some less stressful clinic time.