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Writer's pictureChristina

Millers October Details2022 (late)

It’s been an interesting last six weeks, a home assignment hybrid of furlough, work, and deputation. We’re five states into our eight state trip, more than halfway because Missouri was cut out at the last minute. Greg has preached in average once a week, and we’ve meet about 200 new people, in addition to catching up with about that number of family and friends from previous visits. At this point, we get less stressed by the travels or the new environments, and even the public speaking isn’t getting to us as much. We can tell our stories and show our pictures with relative ease, knowing that even if we forget something our spouse will step in and make up for it. Neither of us likes having such little time to connect with each person we see, but in most other situations we can compliment each other.

We enjoy the things that are easier in America, like ordering whatever we want on Amazon or being able to drive on wide, well-kept roads. Other things are more difficult, like finding time to rest or avoiding unhealthy food. We’re getting better at packing, even when there seems to be more to squeeze into our carry-ons at each stop. Flights within the US seem very short comparatively, and we usually can find lounges which will keep us fed.

Meanwhile in Malawi, things carry on without us. Some parts of living in Malawi we are happy to miss, like the unusually terrible shortage on gas and the more frequent than usual blackouts. Other things we wish we didn’t have to miss, like the once every-few-years visit from friends and group meetings and trainings we would have liked to attend. I’m still providing consultations to the patients who take the time to email me, and working to support projects and plan programs. It’s hard to believe that half of this trip has passed already. Hard to remember all the stops still left.

We’re starting to rest a bit, there have been some lighter days, some forced breaks. I’m trying to work less. I’ve had some pain in my feet and some visceral reactions to stress, so I’m trying to do better with the pace and expectations I set on myself. Overall things are good. We’re happy to be here. But I have to say that some days I look forward to being back in my own house, back to my own schedule, and only having to attend to the regular daily activities of work.

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